was born out of the painful and immeasurable sense of loss we all feel when a loved one passes. "If only I could see their face and hear their voice one more time." was created to fill this void to the extent possible.
Our mission is straightforward. We commit to give every member of every family a place on the world wide web (a seed box) where they can leave whatever information about themselves they desire for all of their current and future family members to see and hear. By each family member setting up their own seed box, which is automatically interconnected to all other family members' seed boxes, a virtual family tree is created which over the generations tells the complete family story. Each seed box of other family members can be viewed by all family members who have set up their own seed box on the family tree.
My own Mother is 92 years old. I want my 3 grandchildren, all of whom are under the age of 4, to know their great grandmother.
Similarly, I want to leave a little bit about myself so that my grandchildren, and my grandchildrens' grandchildren, can know me.
My family history contains some interesting and colorful individuals. One of them, Lewis Boyer, served as one of General George Washington's personal guards during the Revolutionary War. How valuable would it be to my family if he had been able to preserve his life experiences in photos and videos, (maybe even photos and videos showing General Washington in action during the Revolutionary War). The point being, events, great and small, are occurring every day in each of our families. These events can now be preserved and made available to all of our current family members and to all of our descendants. BUT, these life experiences will only be preserved if you start the creation of the family tree by filling your seed box on You and your family only miss out if you don't start your family tree and let it grow over the generations. I think I can safely promise you that your great, great, great grandchildren will thank you for starting your family tree today.
Jerry Determan