Ever sit down around the family table at a reunion looking at old photos and try to figure out who those family members are? With GenerationTree you can preserve that knowledge about your family. Generations from now your descendants will sit around a screen watching and listening to you and their other ancestors talk directly to them about their family history. GenerationTree will give them an understanding of who they are and where they came from. What you input today will become a true family treasure.
GenerationTree allows you and your family to build a virtual family tree starting today and continuing into the indefinite future. Imagine the ability of all of your descendants 50 years from now, 150 years from now and further into the future, to actually see and hear you and all of your descendants describe and illustrate your family's history. What you input today will become a living legacy that will one day be more valuable to your family than gold.
Each individual member of the family can deposit into their "seed box" any form of writing, photography, video and/or audio material to leave for their descendants. Each family member who sets up a seed box will then have access to the contents of every other seed box set up by family members. Your great-great-great grandchildren will one day be able to get to know you by simply viewing the contents of your seed box.